陈牧:寡人愿闻,何为君子之常行,先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,衣冠不中,不敢以入朝;所言不义,不敢以要君;身行不顺,治事不公,不敢以莅众。衣冠中,故朝无奇僻之服;所言义,故下无伪上之报;身行顺,治事公,故国无阿党之义。三者,君子常行也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:i want to know,what is the standard of behavior of a ntlean?sir taught 。xiao fan:i thk,he goes to work only when his clothes are neat,if what he says is not oral then he will not ask the kg to do ,only by leadg by exaple and actg fairly will others follow hi,he is dressed neatly, others will follow hi as well,he handled governnt affairs fairly there was no partisanship,these are the standards of behavior of ntlen。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:今天下多事,契丹肆意于北荒,寡人思得良将以御之,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,理国之要,在文与武。今言文者,则以辞华为首,而不及经纶,言武者,则以骑射为先,而不知方略,是皆何益于理乱哉!故陆机著《辨亡》之论,无救河桥之败,此已然之明效也。古语有之:人无常俗,政有理乱;兵无强弱,将有巧拙。故选将当以智略为本,勇力为末。今朝廷用人,类取将门子弟及死事之家,彼皆庸人,岂足当阃外之任!李左车、陈汤、吕蒙、孟观,皆出贫贱而立殊功,未闻其家代为将也,愿大王唯才是举,则天下之勇略之士,谁不感泣而慕义。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:now, the world is chaos,the