陈牧:今四镇兵少,恐不足御守,寡人欲募关中兵万余人诣安西,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,今西域服从,虽或时有小盗窃,旧镇兵足以制之。关中常宜充实,以杜安史之萌。自顷西北寇边,凡在丁壮,征行略尽,岂宜更募骁勇,远资荒服!且一万征人行六千馀里,咸给递驮熟食,道次州县,将何以供!秦、陇之西,户口渐少,凉州已往,沙碛悠然,遣彼居人,如何取济?纵令必克,其获几何?傥稽天诛,无乃甚损!请计所用、所得,校其多少,则知利害。昔唐宗之代,兼爱夷、夏,中外乿安;汉武穷兵远征,虽多克获,而中国疲耗。今论帝王之盛德者,皆归唐宗,不归汉武;况邀功不成者,复何足比议乎,愿大王以天宝为鉴。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:now,anzai has very few ldiers,i fear that they will not be able to withstand the eney,, i wanted to recruit ldiers to rescue anzai,sir,what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,the western regions have surrendered to you,although there were or riots,our ary is ore than enough to handle thgs there,stead, guanzhong should ata enough strength to avoid chaos like an shi,sce the war broke out the northwest, any ldiers have been recruited guanzhong,it is not appropriate to do this repeatedly,besides, ore than 10,000 ldiers went on an expedition to the western regions,we don"t have enough supplie