陈牧:齐王多次袭扰边境,寡人欲亲征下邳,以解吾恨,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,夫兵者凶器,战者危事也。今麾下恃盛壮之气,忽强暴之虏,三军之众,莫不寒心。虽斩将搴旗,威震敌场,此乃偏将之任,非主将之宜也。愿大王抑贲、育之勇,怀霸王之计。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人暂且抑之。chen u:kg qi often harasses our borders,i will lead y ary to attack xia pi city,only this way can i cal y anr,sir,what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,war is cruel and danro,today, our ldiers ignore the strength of the eney becae of anr,if you are a hurry to attack,then you are sacrificg our ldiers,they will al be disappoted you becae of this,besides, it is the task of the nerals to fight on the front le,as a kg, you should not be reckless,i hope you can restra your anr and ura,and you have to look at the big picture。chen u:sir is right,i will try to restra yself。陈牧:寡人欲以俭取士,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,天下之人,材德各殊,不可一节取也。俭素过中,自以处身则可,以此格物,所失或多。今朝廷之议,吏有著新衣、乘好车者,谓之不清;形容不饰、衣裘敝坏者,谓之廉洁。至令士大夫故污辱其衣,藏其舆服;朝府大吏,或自挈壶飧以入官寺。夫立教观俗,贵处中庸,为可继也。今崇一概难堪之行,以检殊涂,勉而为之,必有疲瘁。古之大教,务在通人情而已。凡激