ity,and a hurry,war is an art,psychological offensive is the preferred thod of warfare,direct nflict is a strategy of st rert,i hope you t their hearts,jt like zhu liang subdued ng huo。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人欲大修宴台于孟津,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,昔大禹欲拯天下之大患,故先卑其宫室,俭其衣食;勾践欲广其御儿之疆,亦约其身以及家,俭其家以施国;汉之文、景欲恢弘祖业,故割意于百金之台,昭俭于弋绨之服;霍去病中才之将,犹以匈奴未灭,不治第宅。明恤远者略近,事外者简内也。今建始之前,足用列朝会;崇华之后,足用序内官;北邙、颖川,足用展游宴。若且先成象魏,修城池,其馀一切须丰年,专以勤耕农为务,习戎备为事,则民充兵强而寇戎宾服矣。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人当为卿罢之。chen u:i wanted to build a pace ngj to host a ba,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,previoly, kg yu wanted to save the world, he lived a huble hoe,and he eats and dresses very siply,gou jian wanted to expand his territory, he is al very frugal, order to supplent the national e,the eperors of the han dynasty did the sa order to ake the untry strong,huo bg once said,the huns have not yet been destroyed, he was rect