i, he was able to restra his eotions, order to ensure fairness and jtice。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人读晋史,见何曾讥武帝偷惰,知天下将乱,何其明也!先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,何曾讥武帝偷惰,取过目前,不为远虑,知天下将乱,子孙必与其忧,何其明也!然身为宰相,知其君之过,不以告而私语于家,非社稷之臣也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:i have read the history of the j dynasty,he zeng ughed at eperor wu for beg zy,and he predicted that the world would fall to chaos,he was really too wise,sir,what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk he does see wise,becae his predictions were aurate,however, he is the pri ister of the untry,he saw that the kg had ade istakes,and, he did not help the kg rrect it,he jt told his faily,on this basis, he is not a alified pri ister。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:今天下尚浮华,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,凡有天下者,莫不贵尚敦朴忠信之士,深疾虚伪不真之人者,以其毁教乱治,败俗伤化也,魏晋是也,先帝深疾浮伪,欲以破散邪党,常用切齿;而执法之吏,皆畏其权势,莫能纠擿,毁坏风俗,侵欲滋甚。窃见当今年少不复以学问为本,专更以交游为业;国士不以孝悌清修为首,乃以趋势游利为先,世之质文,随教而