ssible for a kg to achieve stability。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:近来,朝臣皆言太原公,天资英伟,甚有人君之相,寡人亦以为然,先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,有国有家者,必明嫡庶之端,异尊卑之礼,使高下有差,等级逾邈;如此,则骨肉之恩全,觊觎之望绝。昔贾谊陈治安之计,论诸侯之势,以为势重虽亲,必有逆节之累,势轻虽疏,必有保全之祚,世子正统,宜有盘石之固;太原公藩臣也,当使宠佚有差,彼此得所,上下获安之道也,今臣所陈,非有所偏,诚欲以安世子而便太原公也,汉、唐故事尚在前也,大王安可不察?陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:recently, the isters have said that the duke of taiyuan is very wise and powerful,and they say that the duke of taiyuan has the alifications of a kg,i thk too,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk, the state and the faily, it is necessary to distguish beeen the stat of the eldest n and the other ns,only by distguishg their rank and stat can they protect theselves,at the sa ti, it al prevents other prces fro vetg,previoly, jia yi had talked about the stability of the untry and the probles of prces,if the prces are too powerful, then there is a risk of rebellion,if the prces are weak