ciety,the tter will ake the people suffer,different ways lead to different results,it depends on how you choose。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:近来寡人为政如何?请先生直言。萧凡:臣以为,自顷年以来,朝列纷错,真伪相贸,忠良排坠,信臣被害,而庸臣苟媚,先意承指,各希时趣,遂使清流变浊,忠臣结舌,大王处九天之上,隐百里之室,言出风靡,令行景从。亲洽宠媚之臣,日闻顺意之辞,严刑法以禁直言,黜善士以逆谏口,杯酒造次,死生不保,仕者以退为幸,居者以出为福,诚非所以保光洪绪,熙隆道化也,望大王察之。陈牧:非先生之言,寡人几不悟也,当为卿改之。chen u:recently, how is y level of governance,please tell the truth, sir。xiao fan:i thk, recent years, the governnt has been chaos,there are any true and false thgs,loyal and upright isters were frad,syphant traitors were appoted to iportant positions,as a result, the governnt atosphere has deteriorated,loyal and upright isters did not dare to express their opions,you are the ost noble position,, they all ftter you,you al gradually lose yourself,and, you beg to vae the over loyalists,at the sa ti, you no lonr like to listen to honest spee