you learn fro this。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人闻,上古有八政,何也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为八政者,人主施政教於民有八事也。一曰食,教民使勤农业也。二曰货,教民使求资用也。三曰祀,教民使敬鬼神也。四曰司空之官,主空土以居民也。五曰司徒之官,教众民以礼义也。六曰司寇之官,诘治民之奸盗也。七曰宾,教民以礼待宾客,相往来也。八曰师,立师防寇贼,以安保民也。八政如此次者,人不食则死,食於人最急,故食为先也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:i heard,there were eight types of governnt affairs ancient tis,sir taught what they are?xiao fan:i thk,they are the eight types of state affairs that govern the untry,the first is food,the kg taught people to crease agricultural production,the send is odities,it is reted to the needs of noral life,the third is sacrifice,it is to ake people awe of nature,the fourth is nd anant,it allocates nd to the people to live ,the fifth is official anant,it teaches people to understand etiette,the sixth is legal governance,it is to punish the pern who itted the cri,the seventh is the de of nduct,it regutes the behavior of people teractg w