ith each other,the eighth is the ary,it is to fend off eneies and protect the people,this is the order of the eight types of governnt affairs,aong the, food is the ost iportant,if there is no food, people die,therefore, put it first。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人欲出广陵公,以镇齐国,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,广陵公至亲盛德,侔于周公,宜赞圣朝,与闻政事。今出之国,假以都督虚号,而无典戎干方之实,亏友于款笃之义,惧非大王追述先帝、太后之宿意也。若以同姓宠之太厚,则有吴、楚逆乱之谋,汉之吕、霍、王氏,皆何人也!历观古今,苟事之轻重所在,不无为害,唯当任正道而求忠良耳。若以智计猜物,虽亲见疑,至于疏者,庸可保乎!宜留广陵公,与臣、杨秀共干朝事。三人齐位,足相持正,既无偏重相倾之势,又不失亲亲仁覆之恩,计之尽善者也,愿大王察之。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:i want the duke of guanglg to serve the state of qi,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,duke guanglg is your own brother,he has high virtues like the duke of zhou,you should put hi the central governnt to help you govern the untry,now you want hi to go out and serve, fact, he has no real power but a false na,it is not good anners for you to treat your brot