陈牧:前,周宣位为征镇,握强兵,召之不入,何故反也?寡人甚惑焉,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,周宣虽死,天下尚有直言之士。宣见寇贼滋蔓,欲移镇以纾国难,执政不悦,兴兵讨之,宣死未逾时,而石亭沦没。若谓之反,不亦诬乎!危而不持,当与天下共受其责,非但宣也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:previoly, when zhou xuan was a local neral,he anded a powerful ary,the central governnt asked hi to return to capital,but he refed and rebelled,i" nfed about that,sir taught why?xiao fan:i thk,although zhou xuan died,there are still honest and brave people the world,zhou xuan saw that there were any thieves the pce,, he wanted to cross the border to fight the,those power are unhappy about this,therefore, the central governnt sent the ary to fight zhou xuan,after zhou xuan was killed, shitg was oupied by eney forces,you say he rebelled, which is ridiculo,if people are not as responsible,then the untry will be crisis,everyone the world is guilty, not jt zhou xuan。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:今参佐多避事自逸,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为