n:i thk,previoly, kg liang rebelled,becae the eperor was deposed,the prces raised troops agast the kg of liang,we troduced that w to ga greater support,today, the standard of reward is the sa, regardless of the rit,this led to a ctter of officials,the official al lost its true vae,i hope you will be able to rrect the situation order to restore order。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept you。陈牧:寡人愿闻,安得贤士而与处焉?先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,夫珠玉无足,去此数千里,而所以能来者,人好之也;今士有足而不来者,此是吾王求之不切也,愿大王勉之。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:i want to know,how do i t support fro talent,sir taught what to do?xiao fan:i thk,jewelry has no legs,but it can go thoands of iles away,why?becae people love it,today, virtuo people have legs, but they do not want to e,becae your desire to fd talent is not strong enough,i hope you keep up the good work。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept you。陈牧:寡人有何所好?请先生直言。萧凡:臣以为,古者所好者四,而王所好者三,古者好马,王亦好马;古者好