陈牧:今万里远征,当出其不意,寡人畏契丹及沙陀为吾后患,是以吾犹豫未决,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,彼三方智勇无及大王者也,大王虽远出,彼必不敢动,且彼未谓大王,便能悬军万里取辽东也。轻军往返,不出二旬,藉使彼虽有心,比其谋议出师,吾已还矣。且沙陀、石氏,虽名为盟友,实为仇敌。若修笺于沙陀,送质请和,沙陀必喜我之和,而快石氏之亡,终不救俊而袭我也。用兵贵神速,勿后时也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:now we will unch an expedition,therefore, we need to act as ickly as lightng,but i a afraid that the khitan and shato will sneak up on our rear,i hesitate to do ,sir taught what to do?xiao fan:i thk,their wisdo is not parable to yours,when you unch an expedition,they don"t believe you dare to do it,therefore, they will defitely not sneak up on ,even if they have this pn,when they ake a decision,o onths ter, we had retreated,shatuo and shi are allies though,however, there is a deep hatred beeen the,if we are allied with shatuo,it will defitely agree and gloat,even if shi jun died, it would not e to the rescue,therefore, you have to strike ickly。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully