oday, tian x akes and y n spicio of each other,i wanted to kill hi,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i do not approve of you dog this,you"re always tryg to fd talent,there are very good sas aong the,once you kill the,this is a bit excessive,this is not what a holy kg should do,even if they have sned,you should hand the over to the judiciary,fd out the truth and announce it to the world, this way, the people of the world can support it,the dahir is still y office,it"s not too te for you to regret it,only then will you avoid beg ridiculed by posterity。chen u:sir is right,i was wrong。陈牧:何以得士易而难用也?寡人甚惑焉,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,非士之难用也,乃大王不能用也,臣闻厨中有臭肉,则门下无死士。今夫三斗之稷,不足于士,而大王苑兽有余粟,纨素绮绣,靡丽堂楯,从风而弊,而士曾不得以缘衣;果园梨栗,后宫妇人摭以相,而士曾不得一尝。且夫财者,大王之所轻也,死者,士之所重也,大王不能用所轻之财,而欲使士致所重之死,岂不难乎哉?愿大王思之。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。chen u:it is easy to acire talent,however, it is difficult to e talent,i a very puzzled by this,sir taught why?xiao