陈牧:今儒道沦丧,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,丧乱以来,庠序隳废;议者或谓平世尚文,遭乱尚武,此言似之,而实不然。夫儒道深奥,不可仓猝而成。比天下平泰,然后修之,则废坠已久矣。又,贵游之子,未必有斩将搴旗之才,从军征戍之役,不及盛年使之讲肄道义,良可惜也。世道久丧,礼俗日弊,犹火之消膏,莫之觉也。今王业肇建,万物权舆,谓宜笃道崇儒,兴建太学,以励风化。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:today, nfucianis is decle,i a very ncerned about that,sir taught what to do?xiao fan:i thk,sce the war, the cial order has bee chaotic, people say that literature is adired peaceti,and the war years advocated force,this is not the case,nfucians is thg very profound,it is not a atter of a short ti to proote it,wait until the world settles down, and then it will be too te to do it,noble children do not necessarily have ilitary talent,they did not serve long,it would be a pity if they were not taught to learn nfucianis,the world has been chaos for a long ti,therefore,cial ills have auuted a lot,it"s jt not easy to observe,today, our untry is not long its existence,it is ti for ev