i thk,if the subordate does not tell you the truth,then the kg will be deceived,if only the people say nice thgs,then the kg will be proud and nceited, ancient tis, if a holy kg ruled, his subordates would give honest advice,if the kg likes righteoness,then people will al tell the truth,nowadays, your behavior is really appropriate,however, xu yan said honest words to you,it is cky for you,i hope you reward hi,this shows that you like honest advice,you should treat hi aordg to etiette,this shows that you are open to sugstions fro others。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:吾欲王天下,愿与四方贤士共之,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,辩察于辞,清洁于货,习人情,臣不如荀顗,请立以为司寇。登降肃让,以明礼待宾,臣不如杨秀,请立以为鸿胪。垦草创邑,辟地生粟,臣不如宋平,请立以为司农。三军既成阵,使士视死如归,臣不如马隆,请立以为司马,犯颜极谏,臣不如方诩,请立以为谏臣。治国,此五子足矣;将欲霸王,微臣在此。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:i want to ner the world,therefore, i want to build great thgs with the talents of the world,sir, teach what to