陈牧:寡人闻,过刚则易折,何也?先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,金刚则折,草刚则裂,人君刚则国家灭,人臣刚则交友绝,夫刚则不和,不和则不可用,是故四马不和,取道不长;父子不和,其世破亡;兄弟不和,不能久同,夫妻不和,室家大凶。二人同心,其利断金,由不刚也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:i heard,iron is hard that it can be easily broken,sir taught why?xiao fan:i thk,if the tal is too hard, then it is easy to break,if the grass is too hard, then it tends to wither,if the kg is too hard, then the untry will go to extction,if the urtiers are too tough, then the friends will leave the,if it is too hard, then it is easy to create ntradictions,the result is a ck of operation,if the horse does not operate, then it will not go far,if father and n are not haronio, that neration is rued,if brothers are not haronio, then they cannot live tother,if the hband and wife are not haronio, then the faily will be crisis,if the o hearts are nnected, then they can overe all difficulties,sce it is not hard。chen u:sir is right,i aept your t