t,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:近来无事,寡人欲大宴群臣,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为不妥,四海板荡,二十载矣,宗社为墟,黎民涂炭,斯乃庙堂焦虑之时,忠臣毕命之秋也。而大王宴安如此,肆情纵欲,以奢靡为荣,以傲诞为贤;謇谔之言不闻,征伐之功不立,将何以济世安民,唐庄宗尝混一北方,然渐自骄奢宠信群小,是以功败垂成身死族灭,大王岂不惧之?陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。chen u:nothg has happened tely,therefore, i would like to feast the urtiers,sir,what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,i do not approve of you dog this,the world has been turoil for ore than 20 years,the state is built on rus,the people are still sufferg,now is the ti for you to try to deal with governnt affairs,it was al a ont for urtiers to ake ritorio achievents,but you dul your desires and crave pleasure,you treat absurd people as talents,you no lonr listen to the words of jtice,oreover, rit has not yet been established,and how do you stabilize the world and people,previoly, kg tangzhuang al pacified the north,ter, he began to trt vils and beca nceited, the end, he failed and died at the