陈牧:今蜀中大乱,寡人欲因势伐之,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,蜀王凶暴,天之所弃,馀烬仅存,自相鱼肉。今百姓倒悬,企望仁恤,若大军一振,势必投戈,大王宜速取之。chen u:today, the state of chu is chaos,i want to take advanta of the opportunity to attack it,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,the kg of shu was cruel, the heavens al abandoned hi,they have serio ternal ntradictions,it is a certa shu state towards its deise,today, the people are sufferg,and they expect you to save the,if you can send an ary to the shu kgdo,then they will surrender to you,i want you to ake the decision to send troops。陈牧:寡人尚有疑虑,先生试解之。萧凡:臣以为,难得而易失者,时也。万一蜀国衰而复兴,或有英雄据其成资,岂惟失此大利,亦恐更为后患,且楚王在侧。chen u:i still have ncerns,sir,you ntue to nvce 。xiao fan:i thk,opportunities are hard to e by, but easy to lose,if the state of shu is revitalized aga,or hero took the opportunity to oupy the untry of shu,then you will lose this good opportunity,he will even bee your new eney,besides, the kg of c