hu was al spyg on the kgdo of shu。陈牧:蜀中虽乱,然据剑阁,兵强粮足,今若伐之,道不可也,且山径险狭,万一虏乘高断要,首尾为患,将若之何?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,用兵之道,敌强则用智,敌弱则用势,是故以大吞小,大王自上世以来,积德累仁,兵强士练。蜀王残暴,死未瞑目,子孙争国,上下乖乱。国之百姓,坠于涂炭,廷颈企踵以待振拔,大王若扬兵南迈,先取南郑,次指成都,宣耀威德,怀抚遗民,彼孰不扶老提幼以迎大王?其将士顾家,人怀归志,若大军临之,自然瓦解,安能为害乎?此千载一时,不可失也,大王勿疑。陈牧:先生之言甚善,寡人意决矣。chen u:although the state of shu fell to chaos,they still oupied the sword pavilion fortress,their ilitary strength and logistical support are abundant,when we unched an attack on the shu kgdo,once they oupy favorable terra and cut off our back road,that would be danro,sir taught what to do?xiao fan:i thk,ilitary deploynt should seek truth fro facts,if the eney is strong, then we adopt strata,if the eney is weak, then we stor,strategic deploynt is detered by the parin of strength beeen the o sides,fro your father to the present,the untry has auuted a lot of benevolence,our ilitary strength and execution capabilit