陈牧:寡人闻,以欲从人者昌,以人乐己者亡,何也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,崇饰宫宇,赏池台,帝王之所欲,百姓之所不欲。帝王所欲者放逸,百姓所不欲者劳弊。夫子云,有一言可以终身行之者,其恕乎!已所不欲,勿施于人。劳弊之事,诚不可施于百姓。为帝王者,富有四海,每事由己,诚能自节,则天下幸甚。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:i heard,if you can serve the terests of the ajority,then the untry will prosper,if you only satisfy your own terests,then the untry will go to extction,sir taught why?xiao fan:i thk,the pace and the ndscape were the desires of the kg,but it is not the terests of the people,kgs like extravagance and waste,the people do not like overwork,this creates a ntradiction,the credo of life is utual understandg,if you don"t want to do thg,then you shouldn"t ask others to do that,you should not excessively force people to bor,as a kg, you own the whole world,you should understand and be nsiderate of the people,if you can ntrol your behavior,then the whole world will be cky becae of you。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your