teachgs。陈牧:今国人多谤寡人之策,吾欲罚之,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为不可,防民之口,甚于防水;水壅而溃,伤人必多。民亦如之,是故为水者,决之使导;为民者,宣之使言。故民之有口,犹土之有山川也,财用于是乎出;犹其有原隰衍沃也,衣食于是乎生。口之宣言也,善败于是乎兴。夫民虑之心,而宣之口,成而行之。若壅其口,其与能几何?陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。chen u:nowadays, people snder y policies, i want to punish the,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i do not approve of you dog this,it is not wise that you do not allow people to talk about it,it"s like blockg a flood,once the levee breaks, it will cae hu losses,therefore, floodwaters should be channeled rather than blocked,siirly, you should allow people to talk stead of beg silenced,speakg is a necessary event life, the process, there is tradg and production,the suess or faire of thgs is directly reted to speakg,people speak out about their worries,if they are right, then you go and lve the proble,if you are gog to forbid the to speak,it is not a wise thg to do。chen u:sir is right,i was wrong。陈牧:寡人愿闻,始皇末年,何以渐失天