陈牧:田将军兵围潼梓,月余而无功,诸将请急攻之,寡人当如何处置,先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,用兵之势,有宜缓者,有宜急者,不可不察。若彼我势敌,外有强援,恐有腹背之患,则攻之不可不急。若我强彼弱,无援于外,力足制之者,当羁縻守之,以待其毙。兵法十围五攻正谓此也。若我尽锐攻之,计数旬可拔,然杀吾士卒必多矣。要在取之,不必求功之速也。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:neral tian zheng had been besiegg tongzi for a onth,but it has not yet been oupied,the other nerals wanted to unch a neral attack,how do i handle this?sir taught 。xiao fan:i thk,ilitary policy has both fast and slow tactics,the tion needs to be selected aordg to the actual situation,if we are about the sa strength as the eney,and they have rercents,then we will have to unch a neral offensive as not to be surrounded,if we are stronr than the eney,oreover, they ck rescue forces,then we should besie and deter the,this is the essence of the art of war,if we unch a neral offensive, a onth or o, we can al ,then our casualties t be r,if you want to the war,it is not necessary for you to rert to fast tacti