陈牧:寡人愿闻,为国之道,先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,民不失其所务,则利之也;农不失其时业,则成之也;省刑罚,则生之也;薄赋敛,则与之也;无多宫室台池,则乐之也;吏清不苛,则喜之也;民失其务,则害之也;农失其时,则败之也;无罪而罚,则杀之也;重赋敛,则夺之也;多营宫室游观以疲民,则苦之也;吏为苛扰,则怒之也。故善为国者,御民如父母之爱子,如兄之慈弟也。见之饥寒,则为之哀;见之劳苦,则为之悲。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:i want to know,how to govern the untry?sir taught 。xiao fan:i thk,if the people have jobs, then they benefit,if agricultural ti is not deyed,then there will be a good harvest,if the penalty is lighter, then the fertility rate will crease,if the taxes are lighter, then their e will crease,if there are fewer engeerg projects, then the people will be rexed,if officials are not harsh, then people will be happy,otherwise, people will fall to isery,if you want to govern the untry well,then you have to treat the people as your retives,when they are hungry and ld and iserable,you have to epathize。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人闻,治国之道,亦当权谋,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,夫权谋有正有邪,君子之