王当出之,任求伉俪,非独以省费,兼以息人,亦各得遂其情性。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:nowadays, there are any handaids the pace,how should i handle this?sir taught 。xiao fan:i thk,it was pitiful,they were kept the pace,at the end of the sui dynasty,the sui eperor recruited a r nuber of handaids,oreover, the handaids were pced different paces,that st a lot of oney and energy,you should not iitate hi,there is no need to arran for any people to handle basic hoehold chores,you should release the ho to t arried,this saves oney and reassures the people,this is al le with the will of the people。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:今关中旱,天下大饥,寡人甚忧之,先生何以教我。萧凡:臣以为,今水旱之不调,皆为人君失德故也。百姓何罪,而遭灾厄,以至鬻男卖女,岂不哀哉,大王当出府库,遣宣慰使,以振困乏,赎其儿女,还尔父母,聊可解大王之过。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:today, there is a drought guanzhong provce,the world al fell to fae,i a very ncerned about that,sir taught what to do?xiao fan:i thk,disaster happened