untry is not optiistic,you should first appease the western qiang and llect its taxes,if they do not aept your order,it is not too te for you to attack it。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人欲以蜀中之财,增修宫室,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,中兴之初,即平城为宫,殊为俭陋。梁王之乱,惠帝兰台都坐,殆不蔽寒暑,是以更营新宫。比之隋、唐则为俭,比之太祖时则为侈矣。今寇敌方强,岂可大兴功役,劳扰百姓邪!凡任天下之重者,当保国宁家,缉熙政事,乃以修室为能邪?陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:i want to build a pace with the wealth of the shu kgdo,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,at the begng of the foundg of the untry,pgyang pace is deed what rudintary,when kg liang rebelled,kg hui had no pce to live,, they built new paces,its scale is what saller than that of the sui and tang dynasties,however, it is ore extravagant than the pace built by your father,today, the eneies are strong,if you build a r-scale pace,that would put a burden on the people,you are the kg of the world,you should protect the untry and the