。且诸将皆百战之馀,何患不习于兵,而更使受教于书生,非所以强其志气也。此无益于实而有损于名,惟大王图之!陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人知过矣。chen u:i want to establish a ilitary acadey weicheng,at the sa ti, i want the profesr to teach the nerals the art of war,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,the wars you started were basically won,no one is your opponent,oreover, the territory of the world has already been oupied by you for eight tenths,although jiangnan has not yet returned to you,this is not a proble,therefore, you should reduce the ilitary put,and you should pay attention to cultural nstruction,if you build ilitary acadeies to proote the idea of war,this is not a tion to stabilizg ciety,besides, the nerals have real bat experience,it is not wise for you to let the profesr teach the,this will lower their orale,it is alost eless, only a false na,i hope you thk about it carefully。chen u:sir is right,i was wrong。