陈牧:寡人读史,见商臣多奔于周,何也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,商王悖逆,沈于酒德,辟远箕子,爰近姑与息,妲己为政,赏罚无方,不用法式,杀三不辜,民大不服,守法之臣,是以出奔周国,愿大王鉴之。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:when i read history,i found that the isters of the shang dynasty all subitted to the zhou dynasty,sir taught why?xiao fan:i thk,the shang kg was brutal and drunk,he alienated the ntlean,and he ed to be close to vils,his hare terfered politics, ters of rewards and punishnts, he does not follow the rules and regutions,but aordg to his own wishes,he killed the virtuo,, people no lonr support hi,becae of this, the isters all subitted to the zhou dynasty,i hope you learn fro it。chen u:sir is right,i aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人读史,观苻坚,圣主也,何以亡也?先生教我。萧凡:臣以为,夫有功不赏,有罪不诛,虽尧、舜不能为治,况他人乎!秦王坚每得反者辄宥之,使其臣狃于为逆,行险徼幸,虽力屈被擒,犹不忧死,乱何自而息哉!《书》曰,威克厥爱,允济;爱克厥威,允罔功。《诗》云,毋纵诡随,以谨罔极;式遏寇虐,无俾作慝,今坚违之,能无亡乎?陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:when i read history,i found fu jian to be a good kg,however, his untry went to