you oupy the western regions,the local people will not support you,and their nd yields are low,previoly, eperor wudi of han had done the sa thg,the results were not ideal,if you will ake the sa istake as hi,i would regret that。chen u:sir is right,i was wrong。陈牧:今四方略定,唯东南一隅,未沾王化,寡人欲自将讨之,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,昔纣为无道,三仁在朝,武王犹为之旋师。今楚虽微弱,未有大恶。周胤、沈阳皆江表明将,楚王贤能,君臣辑睦,内外同心。以臣观之,未可图也。愿大王且案兵积谷,以待其衅。陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教矣。chen u:today, i have pacified ost of the world,only the utheast has not yet returned to ,i will direct the ary to attack it,sir, what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk, the past, kg shang was very cruel,but there were still sas the iperial urt,becae of this, kg zhou gave up attackg the shang dynasty,although the state of chu is weak,there are no ternal nflicts,zhou y and shenyang are fao nteporary nerals,kg chu is wise and talented,they are united ternally, y opion, the tig is not ideal,i want you to