陈牧:人臣之对帝王,多承意顺旨,甘言取容,今,寡人欲闻己过,先生何以教我?萧凡:臣以为,大王每与公卿论事,及有上书者,以其不称旨,或面加诘难,无不惭退,恐非诱进直言之道,愿大王常抑之。萧凡:先生之言是也,寡人谨受教。chen u:isters often obeyed the will of the kg,and they only say nice thgs,now, i want to understand y istakes,sir taught what to do?xiao fan:i thk,when you discs governnt affairs with isters,if the proposal they ake is not what you want,then you will b the,that ade the ashad that they did not dare to tell the truth,i hope you can restra your eotions,only then will you understand your istakes。chen u:sir is right,i respectfully aept your teachgs。陈牧:寡人欲将同卿南游吴、越,泛长江,临沧海,可乎?先生以为如何?萧凡:臣以为,大王应天御世,居中土而制四维,自足比隆尧、舜,何必栉风沐雨,经略遐方乎!且东南卑湿,沴气易构,虞舜游而不归,大禹往而不复,秦始皇死于沙丘。何足以上劳大驾也!陈牧:先生之言是也,寡人受教矣。chen u:i want to travel to nanyue with you,we tour the yangtze river and the sea tother,sir,what do you thk?xiao fan:i thk,you should govern the whole untry the capital,this is aordance with the will of